Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Oh My

I am still thinking about things in terms of weeks. As in, baby Caroline is 8 weeks old today. The other night at a MOPS dinner, someone said "Oh, your baby is 2 months old, right?" and I found myself saying, "No, she's almost 8 weeks...oh wait, yeah, I guess that is pretty much 2 months". I know everybody says it so I'll just join 'em...how DOES it go by so fast??? Some of my favorite things that we're seeing alot of these days: bright eyes, gummy smiles, less poopy diapers, regularity (sleeping, eating, etc.), cooing, gurgling, laughing, and neck strength. She is beautifully and wonderfully made. We are so lucky to be her parents.

We've had a few days of random rainfall here. Thankfully we don't get out too much so we haven't gotten soaked. Boone does NOT like thunder. He barks at it with his biggest big boy bark. Caroline is not a fan of his biggest big boy bark. Did you know that a baby's scream registers the same as a jackhammer? 130 decibels. Well, now you know.

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